Thursday 13 December 2012

Diary of a call girl

So right now, i'm working as a 'call agent', basically that's a buzz word for tele sales, I don't loathe it and i don't love it, at the end of the day it's a job. Some customers are nice some aren't so pleasant, there are parts of this job i enjoy and parts I in point inappropriate men.

I don't know what this Tom Dick or Harry aims to achieve when he phones up asking to have a new phoneline put in, but it certainly shouldn't be a girls phone number...I ask a guy if he's done his Christmas shopping yet he replies "I hope you've got me a Christmas present" its lewd and suggestive and I hate it, i don't know what makes guys think that they can talk to us like that, my girlfriends at the centre get it all the time, it's degrading and it makes us feel guarded with customers, i.e were trying to have a normal chat with them and they change it into an innuendo, a crude remark or a request for your facebook just makes you not want to build rapport with a customer because you're picturing what it could result feeling used that's what.

I don't know what kind of twisted link they form in their heads, because we work on the phones we're some kinds of simpering women who will laugh at their every joke, because they're the customer and the customer is always right..well I have absoloutly no problem with hanging up on them and losing a sale, but it does give me more satisfaction to sell them a product at full price and give them no offers, in a little sweet revenge for their attitude.